So the laboratory proficiency mycology specimens arrive in the lab and I eagerly have a first look at the direct, teased out, samples. One specimen is labeled as having been taken from the scalp so I suspect the sample may possibly contain a dermatophyte. Carefully scanning at low power, I search for any tell-tale clues which may provide a ‘head-start’ (no pun intended). Then, I see something unexpected. Hey! What’s this? What are you doing here? Where did you come from? That specimen from the scalp has brought along a hitch-hiker. So who are you anyways? Follicle Fred? Afro Al? Blow-Dried Billy-Bob? Hmmm, Hairy Harrison? (Hairy Harry to be less formal).....but wait….what do we have here? Eggs! That’s not Harry the hitch-hiker….it’s Harrietthe hitch-hiker!
I suppose it was an unintended addition, but our mould sample from the scalp, also contained a tick(?) of some sort. The specimen donor has more problems than just a possible dermatophyte!
‘Googling’ ticks brought up the ‘mug shots’ of a number of possible suspects, however, I’ll leave it up to some entomologist out there to positively identify my freeloader and replace the alias with a proper name.
Below are Hitch-hiking Harriet’s mug shots to add to the unsavory lot of ticks, lice and louses imprisoned in cyberspace. Sorry, she wouldn’t turn for me to get a profile photo. No smile either! One tough character!
Lactophenol Cotton Blue is the background stain as I was looking for moulds in this preparation.
Harriet, my unknown scalp tick which hitch-hiked along on a scalp mycology specimen.
(Didn't keep detailed notes on this one. X100, I believe -Nikon)
Harriet again. Female for sure -check out the 5 oval eggs in her abdomen
(?250X, Nikon)
Same 'Harriet' but image reversed due to the difference in the optics between the Nikon and the DMD-108 Digital Micro-imaging Device.
(100X, DMD-108)
And the last mug-shot at a higher magnification.
(?100+10X, DMD-108)
Links below redirect to the identical post within this blog.
While I like using both photographic devices (Nikon Coolpix microscope mounted camera) and the Leica DMD-108 Digital Micro-imaging Device, I feel that each platform has an advantage in different situations. I like to try both methods and then chose which gave the best representation of the subject I was attempting to document. Often it is in the eye of the viewer.
What? you mean you don't give a familiar name to your organisms?
Fun With Microbiology - as the title of the blog proclaims.
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